Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Why Study Art at an Art School

Why Study Art at an Art School Everything You Need To Know About Studying Art ChaptersWhat Are the Different Types of Art Programs?Types of Careers for Art studentsTop Schools for Art StudentsHow To Start Building A PortfolioOne of the major reasons why people choose to study art is simply because of the fact it is a broad subject which encapsulates many peoples’ passions. It can be tempting to think of art at a school of art as static, a subject which only delves into the world of life drawing and painting. Before deciding to study at an art school, it can be extremely helpful to understand the different kinds of art programs available to you within an art education.Art majors, as with every degree, can have a hard time after graduation CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat Are the Different Types of Art Programs?There are many different ways of defining art, but the general definition usually includes a division along three main categories. The first two, visual arts and performing arts, include everything from interior architecture to playwriting. The third, literature, tends to be less present in most arts schools â€" which is why we will be focusing on the first two.While there is a lot of interdisciplinary work that occurs between these three branches, it can be helpful to understand the characteristics that makes generalizations between them possible.Fine ArtsThe traditional definition of fine art is both an activity that requires a fine skill, as well as one that concerns itself with the creation of “beautiful objects.” What is typical of many definitions of fine arts is that very rarely do they mention any specific subjects â€" and that is because the fine arts actually co ver a large swath of subjects.While fine arts normally calls up images of lecture-based art theory courses or classes in ceramics â€" it can also include everything from music to painting.Getting a master or bachelor degree of fine arts means that you will have access to a diverse array of art programs. Here are some ideas of some fields that you can specialize in and can help you narrow down your future college of art:SculpturePrintmakingArt designDrawing and PaintingStudio artsArchitectureDigital mediaThe beautiful aspect of studying the fine arts is that you will actually be able to find a school of the arts that specializes in the particular subjects you’re interested in within the art world. Students who are drawn to fashion will be able to find an art center that includes a design program, while students who have an interest with metalsmithing will be able to find both plenty of scholarships and colleges at their disposal.Film SchoolTalking about specializing in a subject †" you’ll often find that studying the arts will allow you to specialize in a way that many fields don’t allow. One of the most popular examples of this, and the choice amongst many young artists, is film school. While film school can include traditional subjects like screen writing, editing and other technical skills â€" it can also extend to cover subjects for students who are interested in animation.Some programs that might be worth checking out if you’re interested in what film school can offer you are:Computer animationFilm and television productionPhotographyGame artSearch for  art courses near me  on Superprof right now.Art HistoryInterested in curatorial work? Or perhaps the world of museums, art auctions galleries interests you? Art History is one of the specializations within the art world that many people â€" both artistically inclined or not â€" end up taking up. Visual art, fine arts performing arts â€" any discipline within art will always be influenced by the fin ancial and curatorial movements of the art world.The study of these movements aren’t only found in an academy of art or art institute, but can also be found in many liberal arts programs around the world. Art History is a field as broad as any, which makes it equally as important to figure out which moment â€" neoclassicalism, baroque â€" captures your attention the most.Getting an arts education can lead to many different career pathwaysTypes of Careers for Art studentsWhether you have received a design education, have a master of fine arts, or are simply curious about what kind of career opportunities will be available to you if you choose to study an art program, here are some of the most common jobs.Arts AdministrationWhether you’ve graduated from a university of the arts or have received a liberal arts degree, arts administration is an interdisciplinary field involving art and subjects like business, finance and history.Some examples of the kinds of work you’d be doing as an arts administrator are:Running a center of the artsCurating museum workSelling artwork at auctions or galleriesInvolved in an art NGOExhibition WorkIf you have gone to a school of the arts, or have simply developed your artwork on your own, displaying your pieces in an exhibition or in galleries can be a lucrative and rewarding job. Many art programs and art colleges do a good job of preparing their students for this type of work because it requires a constant output of artwork from its students.Keep in mind that there is a large percentage of artists who cannot afford to support themselves on their artwork alone, so be sure to have a couple of secondary career ideas in mindEntrepreneurIf you have a arts degree for fine arts, or have graduated from a fashion and design school, you might be interested in starting your own business. In fact, many of the art programs you will find at both a school of design or an art college will give you the tools to coordinate your creativity wit h your passion for business.Some examples of the kinds of businesses or organizations you will be able to start with your arts degree are:Jewellery storeMetalsmithingOwning a film production companyTop Schools for Art StudentsIf you’re interested in exploring where your creativity can take you, you’re also probably wondering which college of art and design will be best for you. There are many factors to consider when trying to discern the best art and design programs for you, including the price of tuition, the quality of university art, and career opportunities.Studying art is notorious for the financial struggles its been known to but artists in. However, like any degree, with enough preparation, you will be able to find many scholarships and grants that are geared towards helping students in need. Whether you’re pursuing a degree in visual art like painting and life drawing or want to go to a design school, looking into these programs will be vital if you’d like to reliev e some of the burdens of tuition for your college of art.As a prospective student, studying art will enable you to choose from a wide array of art schools both in the UK and abroad. Here are some of the best British universities, as well as universities with the possibility of admitting you as an international student, organized by subject and world region.Film EducationArts University Bournemouth â€" like many other art schools, you will find a range of cross-disciplinary programs here. While being known for producing award-winning films, they offer programs in performance design as well..ArchitectureUniversity of Sheffield â€" if you’re looking to study architecture for a masters or bachelors degree in the UK, you might want to start by checking this university out. It’s been voted as the best place to study the subject in Britain.Universities in AsiaIf you’re looking to study abroad, either for a semester or for a four year program, check out these schools:Seoul National Un iversity, KoreaNational University of Singapore, SingaporeNorth American UniversitiesThe Americas have always been a popular destination of students looking for a study abroad experience. Two schools with reputable art programs are:Rhode Island School of Design, United StatesUniversidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, MexicoA degree and career in fine arts can lead to a rewarding lifeHow To Start Building A PortfolioWhether you’re an undergraduate, looking to get a position as an artist in residence, or simply want to get some of your student work at an exhibition or in galleries â€" building a portfolio is at once the most important and hardest part of applying to jobs and art programs.If you were to talk to many alumni or art educators, you are likely to hear some common advice when it comes to building a portfolio. The first step you should take, if you haven’t already, is to get organized â€" advice that will continue to be true long after you become an art teacher, head your o wn exhibit or even take a position as a provost.Start organizing your work by selecting only the work by picking a method by which to categorize your studio art, digital media, performances or paintings. Some common ways in which people do this are:Chronological order â€" from your first work to your latestThematic order â€" based on a certain subject, move or motifProgression of a specific projectA combination of the threeThe next step in building any portfolio is to be selective. Many of the job opportunities, positions to lead workshops, and admissions programs have a limited number of art works that they will allow artists to include in their portfolio. While every art piece might seem like it’s an important testament to your journey, make sure to only include the pieces that fit with the narrative you would like to tell.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How To Do Warrior Pose In Yoga

How To Do Warrior Pose In Yoga How Do I Do Warrior I Position? ChaptersPreparationStep-by-step InstructionsPhysical BenefitsModifications Variations  Warrior pose, or Virabhadrasana  I, is considered one of the ultimate yoga positions for beginners to learn. This move is one of three warrior variations, and also one of the most recognised yoga poses because it’s so easy to learn and practice!Warrior pose is a great addition to your daily yoga routine â€" whether it’s your morning ritual or your post-cardio stretch down. It’s great for the posture, stretching the legs and opening the hips.The pose is focused on being a ‘spiritual warrior’, rather than any violent or combative connotations. As the story goes in the ancient yoga text, the Bhagavad-Gita, the battle of the spiritual warrior is against the universal enemy of self-ignorance, which is considered to be the ultimate source of human suffering.Warrior pose is spiritual and strengthening. (Source: Pixabay)We’ve put together a step-by-step guide to show you exactly how to practic e your warrior pose, and how to perfect it so that you can start incorporating it into your daily life.You can practice this pose with various arm movements. For example, you could have your hands resting on your hips, and when you bend your front-facing knee you can lift your arms up back behind your body and clasp your hands.How you position your arms will affect how you stretch different areas of your body. If you feel you need to focus on a certain area, then adjust your arms accordingly to concentrate the stretch.If you enjoy this exercise then please try to read our blog post on Tadasana.

Why Your Child Need Online Tutoring

Why Your Child Need Online Tutoring 0SHARESShare Education is becoming more and more challenging for the students and parents both. Lots of parents talk about the changes occurring at the local school may it be academic curriculum, style of education, technology used in the learning or anything else. The kind of education that parents were taking during their academics is nothing in comparison to what their children are taking today. Often, parents are pleased to find their children learning much more advanced education right from elementary level. However, sometimes they feel worried when they find their children helpless learning tough lessons. No matter how good is your child education or how qualified is the teacher at your school. Your childs school may be good at giving face-to-face education but it is sure that your childs school teacher must be failing to give one-to-one attention. Your child may feel inhibited to ask queries and doubts in front of their peer ones. It must be very difficult for your child to complete their day-to-day school work. Here you and your child need online tutoring. After paying lots of fees to your child schooling institution, your pockets may not have so much to pay for academic help of your dear ones. Like you a lot of other parents seek academic assistance which is both time and cost effective that helps your child to complement schoolwork. The primary aim of online tutoring website is to offer on-demand tutoring and academic support at very affordable price. It is the platform for K-12 and college students to get academic assistance in the subjects like Math, Science, English, Social Studies and lot more. Your child will get tutoring in the course content, homework help, and assignment work and test preparation. Tutoring online is one stop destination for your childs academic success. [starbox id=admin]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What Qualifications are Needed to Teach Chinese

What Qualifications are Needed to Teach Chinese Certifications Needed for Teaching Chinese ChaptersIs It Absolutely Necessary to Have a Diploma if you Want to Tutor in Chinese?When Can We Start Learning Chinese at School?What Chinese College Degree Should You Pick?Living in China Before Teaching Chinese Back HomeChinese is a complex language that attracts more and more people every year.Spoken by more than 1.4 billion people, it is one of the most spoken languages in the United States of America!It is the symbol of a fascinating culture that attracts many people on a daily basis. Many young people have turned to China  for better opportunities with promising companies.Learning Mandarin has become a real asset for future generations.But what path do you need to follow when you want to become a private Chinese tutor?When should you start learning the language and where should you start?Here are some answers to the questions you might have before giving private Chinese classes.Living in China is the best way to learn the language.If you aren't able to make the trip during you r studies because your budget is too limited, it is also possible to become an au pair. In exchange for housing and food, an au pair takes care of the family's children during the week. This is a solution for going abroad on a budget.Some people teach English as a second language (ESL) in order to earn an income abroad and gain experience while learning the language of the country they are visiting.Your plans will be made according to your situation and means.Be aware, however, that when your goal is to teach a language, it is strongly advised that you spend some time in the country and immerse yourself in the culture as  to transmit the language much more easily to students.And let's not forget that language often forms a young student's mind. Understanding Chinese culture is also a way to better understand the Chinese language. Kung-fu lessons, an introduction to calligraphy, studying Chinese medicine, but also, understanding life in the big city or in the country's countryside ar e all part of becoming a language teacher.So go ahead! These are all important parts of becoming a tutor or language teacher! Don't forget these important steps too:Handling day-to-day needs, such as preparing lesson plans and correcting student workObtaining special language materials and programs for your classroomOrganizing special events related to your language and culture classes, such as dance performances, cultural displays, target-language dinners and other eventsPlanning and attending parent-teacher conferences and administrative meetingsAs a language teacher, you may travel from classroom to classroom, or you may have your own room, depending on your school or district size. A growing trend in public and private education today is language immersion schools, where students attend all or some core classes such as math, social studies and language arts in another language all year long.Have a look at this guide of everything you need to prepare to give Chinese classes...

6 Reasons SAT Tutoring Can Increase Your SAT Score

6 Reasons SAT Tutoring Can Increase Your SAT Score ACT SAT Prep and College Admissions Blog Prepping for the SAT is like taking a trip. You want the journey to be safe, to be as pleasant as possible, and to bring you to your intended destination. Making the journey certainly doesn't have to be a drag. In fact, it can be kind of exciting when you see that you're making good progress, and extra exciting when your SAT score reflects the progress you've made. A tutor is like a guide who knows the territory your trip will cover and can help you get to your destination smoothly, avoiding dangers and wrong turns. Here are 6 reasons why a tutor can make your test prep a better experience and help you raise your SAT score: Reason #1 The SAT takes familiar things and presents them in unfamiliar ways. If you're not aware of the SAT's somewhat unconventional approach to subject matter, you can fall far short of your potential on the SAT. Even if you have excellent algebra skills, for example, you may find yourself at a loss when the SAT asks an algebra question which sounds nothing like what your math teachers taught you in class. However, once you see the basic idea behind the SAT's question, you'll see the connections to what you have learned in school, and finding the answer may seem quite easy. A tutor can help you to take things you already know, and see them from the SAT's point of view. Reason #2 In addition to helping you leverage the knowledge you already have, your tutor can help you to learn any new things you need to know to succeed on the SAT. A tutor can methodically evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, find any critical gaps in your knowledge, and help you get up to speed in the areas where you're not quite as strong. Reason #3 A tutor can make you more efficient. When solving problems and answering questions on the SAT, it's not necessary to follow the same processes you would in school. Your tutor can show you shortcuts, alternate techniques, and simplified strategies for narrowing the choices down to the correct answer quickly and without excess effort. Once you streamline and simplify the thought process you use to find solutions and answers, the test won't seem like such a draining ordeal. Reason #4 Meeting with a tutor on a regular basis promotes focus and commitment. You know that doing your best on the SAT is important, but actually working with a tutor helps to reinforce how important the goal is and to keep you on track from week to week. Reason #5 Encouragement. If getting ready for the SAT has you feeling a bit overwhelmed, your tutor can help ease the pressure. Knowing that you don't have to do everything on your own can work wonders for your confidence level. Reason #6 Customized support. Every individual is unique, so there is no one-size-fits-all approach to test prep that works best for everyone. Working with a tutor on a one-to-one basis is probably the best way to ensure that you get exactly the right help you need to get ready for the SAT. Good luck on your journey to SAT success! hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(215486, '6baac2ae-05a3-4610-9d1f-265c8cbd809f', {});

In New Partnership, MyGuru to help Elite Illinois Ice Hockey Players with Tutoring amp; Test Prep Services

In New Partnership, MyGuru to help Elite Illinois Ice Hockey Players with Tutoring amp; Test Prep Services Improving Academic Performance As CYA’s Official Academic Partner, MyGuru has agreed to provide discounted tutoring and test prep services to CYA players, families, and friends. MyGuru’s tutors will also be able to travel directly to the rink to work with players before or after practice, if that’s most convenient for them. For high school sophomores and juniors, 1-1 or small group ACT SAT prep sessions will be available. To learn more about MyGuru LLC, please visit www.myguruedge.com, email info@myguruedge.com, or call 312-278-0321. CYA has just announced a partnership with MyGuru LLC, a local provider of 1-1 small group tutoring test prep services MyGuru LLC has just signed an agreement with CYA to be its Official Academic Partner, enabling it to provide discounted, on-demand, in-person, 1-1 tutoring and test prep services to all CYA players and families. With the 2010 season set to begin, the partnership recognizes the academic requirements surrounding the main goal of most CYA players - a scholarship from an elite college. Tier 1 AAA Hockey Academics It can be difficult to maintain proper focus on academics when playing a sport at an elite level â€" Still, AAA hockey players generally have a singular focus â€" obtaining a college scholarship. This always requires a minimum ACT score, but many colleges, including all Ivy League schools and Northwestern University, actually require scholarship athletes to meet the same, rigorous academic standards (i.e., grades and test scores) as general applicants. In addition, the jump many CYA players make after Midget AAA hockey can obscure the importance of academics. For most players, the next step towards a college scholarship is not college itself, but Junior hockey. If their time in Juniors goes well, it is 2-3 years later that many players finally enter college on scholarship. However, the academic performance required to obtain a college scholarship is not the issue that some who’ve been involved in elite youth hockey view as most important. It’s the question of what happens if the scholarship doesn’t eventually come. The issue is that, even for the top players in Midget AAA hockey, there ultimately aren’t that many scholarships to go around after Juniors. Some players will need to fall back purely on academics to gain admission into their college of choice. Furthermore, some of the best non-scholarship college “club” hockey teams, which do provide a level of hockey that can be similar to Midget AAA, Junior B or A, or even Division III (e.g., like Indiana or Illinois in the Big Ten), have relatively stringent admissions criteria.

The Rolling Stones 50th Anniversary Lets Talk About the History of Rock Music!

The Rolling Stones 50th Anniversary Let’s Talk About the History of Rock Music! Today is the 50th Anniversary of the legendary British rock band The Rolling Stones. The first performance of the Rolling Stones took place at the Marquee Club in London on July 12, 1962 when Mick Jagger (lead vocals), Keith Richards (guitar, vocals), Brian Jones (guitar), Dick Taylor (bass), Ian Stewart (piano) and Mick Avory (drums) appeared on the stage under that name for the first time.  The musicians performed songs of such blues masters as Muddy Waters and Bo Didley along with show items arranging them in their own manner. Initially the name of the band was The Rollin Stones and was picked from a song of Muddy Waters. In 1963 when Andrew Oldham, who previously worked with The Beatles, became a producer of the band he changed the name for The Rolling Stones. The calling card of the band is a song (I Cant Get No) Satisfaction from their third album Out of our heads (1965). Thanks to provocative lyrics by Mick Jagger referred to sexual frustration and the commercialism particular to America, Satisfaction became an anthem of youth in 1960’s and is considered to be one of the all-time greatest rock songs ever recorded. In spite of all the snags of an early death, conflicts inside band, drug addiction and superstar excess, typical to many great bands, The Rolling Stones have managed to survive and succeed. In 1989 The Rolling Stones were inducted into the American Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The Stones made thousands of live performances and multi-million record sales, released over 100 singles, 29 studio albums and 10 live albums during their 50 year career. Their most recent studio album A Bigger Bang was released in 2005. There are dozens of films about The Rolling Stones the most famous of them is Shine a Light filmed  by Martin Scorse se in 2008 and based on two of the groups performances at New York Citys Beacon Theatre on 29 October and 1 November 2006. The Rolling Stones are celebrating their anniversary by attending a photo exhibition chronicling their career at the Somerset House in London and rehearsing for new gigs. The Rolling Stones have made a notable contribution to the development and history of rock music and not only in music but also in artistic, creative, image-making and mass media aspects. Many of The Stone’s albums, including Beggars Banquet, Let It Bleed, Exile On Main Street, Tattoo You, Steel Wheels were recognized as a classic of genre. However, most historians trace the origins of rock back to the late 1940s and early 1950s, when a new type of music, called Rock and Roll, emerged in the United States, quickly spread all over the world and revolutionized musical tastes. This new music evolved out of union of several musical styles, rhythm and blues, country and gospel, together with a series of some technological developments that created a new market for music. The credit of using the phrase rock and roll for the first time belongs to Alan Freed, Cleveland disc jockey, who in 1951 began playing rhythm and blues music for a multi-racial audience and took this phrase from the so ng My Baby Rocks Me with a Steady Roll to describe the music. Among the earliest rock and roll stars were Bill Haley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis and Gene Vincent. Rock and roll provided the foundations for the music that, since the mid 1960s, is generally known as rock music, a kind of music with simple tunes and a strong beat that is played and sung, usually loudly, by a small group of people with electric guitars and drums. Harder and often more serious than its predecessors, it was initially characterized by musical experimentation and drug-related or anti-establishment lyrics. But the genre has become extraordinary diverse and it is difficult to define its common musical characteristics now. In 1960s begins the golden age of a rock. This period is also known as the “British Invasion” which started from the arrival of The Beatles in the U.S. The Rolling Stones, The Animals and The Yardbirds were among most raging participants of that process. During the history of rock music there were attempts to combine it with all music styles with academic music (art rock, appears in the late 60’s), jazz (jazz rock, in the late 60’s early 70’s), Latin music (Rock en español, in the late 60’s), Indian music (Raga rock, in the mid 60’s). In 60-70’s emerged almost all major subgenres of rock music, except of above mentioned ones, these were hard rock, punk rock and avant-garde rock, hardcore (a kind of punk rock) and brutal forms of heavy metal music death metal and black metal. In 90’s became popular grunge, britpop and alternative metal. The age of rock has given the world such extraordinary bands as Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Van Halen, Queen, Metallica, The Doors, Rush, AC/DC, ZZ Top, Aerosmith, Guns ‘N Roses, Deep Purple and many others. The worldwide popularity of rock music confirms that it exerted a great influence on culture, fashion, social attitudes and ideology of several generations of people and pretty much changed the world. The Rolling stones, being one of pioneers of the rock culture and one of the most powerful rock bands, still turn out hit records and remain the reigning kings of rock and roll. Visit TutorZ.com to find a private tutor in music, music history, music theory, guitar,  piano  and  drums. The Rolling Stones 50th Anniversary Let’s Talk About the History of Rock Music! Today is the 50th Anniversary of the legendary British rock band The Rolling Stones. The first performance of the Rolling Stones took place at the Marquee Club in London on July 12, 1962 when Mick Jagger (lead vocals), Keith Richards (guitar, vocals), Brian Jones (guitar), Dick Taylor (bass), Ian Stewart (piano) and Mick Avory (drums) appeared on the stage under that name for the first time.  The musicians performed songs of such blues masters as Muddy Waters and Bo Didley along with show items arranging them in their own manner. Initially the name of the band was The Rollin Stones and was picked from a song of Muddy Waters. In 1963 when Andrew Oldham, who previously worked with The Beatles, became a producer of the band he changed the name for The Rolling Stones. The calling card of the band is a song (I Cant Get No) Satisfaction from their third album Out of our heads (1965). Thanks to provocative lyrics by Mick Jagger referred to sexual frustration and the commercialism particular to America, Satisfaction became an anthem of youth in 1960’s and is considered to be one of the all-time greatest rock songs ever recorded. In spite of all the snags of an early death, conflicts inside band, drug addiction and superstar excess, typical to many great bands, The Rolling Stones have managed to survive and succeed. In 1989 The Rolling Stones were inducted into the American Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The Stones made thousands of live performances and multi-million record sales, released over 100 singles, 29 studio albums and 10 live albums during their 50 year career. Their most recent studio album A Bigger Bang was released in 2005. There are dozens of films about The Rolling Stones the most famous of them is Shine a Light filmed  by Martin Scorse se in 2008 and based on two of the groups performances at New York Citys Beacon Theatre on 29 October and 1 November 2006. The Rolling Stones are celebrating their anniversary by attending a photo exhibition chronicling their career at the Somerset House in London and rehearsing for new gigs. The Rolling Stones have made a notable contribution to the development and history of rock music and not only in music but also in artistic, creative, image-making and mass media aspects. Many of The Stone’s albums, including Beggars Banquet, Let It Bleed, Exile On Main Street, Tattoo You, Steel Wheels were recognized as a classic of genre. However, most historians trace the origins of rock back to the late 1940s and early 1950s, when a new type of music, called Rock and Roll, emerged in the United States, quickly spread all over the world and revolutionized musical tastes. This new music evolved out of union of several musical styles, rhythm and blues, country and gospel, together with a series of some technological developments that created a new market for music. The credit of using the phrase rock and roll for the first time belongs to Alan Freed, Cleveland disc jockey, who in 1951 began playing rhythm and blues music for a multi-racial audience and took this phrase from the so ng My Baby Rocks Me with a Steady Roll to describe the music. Among the earliest rock and roll stars were Bill Haley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis and Gene Vincent. Rock and roll provided the foundations for the music that, since the mid 1960s, is generally known as rock music, a kind of music with simple tunes and a strong beat that is played and sung, usually loudly, by a small group of people with electric guitars and drums. Harder and often more serious than its predecessors, it was initially characterized by musical experimentation and drug-related or anti-establishment lyrics. But the genre has become extraordinary diverse and it is difficult to define its common musical characteristics now. In 1960s begins the golden age of a rock. This period is also known as the “British Invasion” which started from the arrival of The Beatles in the U.S. The Rolling Stones, The Animals and The Yardbirds were among most raging participants of that process. During the history of rock music there were attempts to combine it with all music styles with academic music (art rock, appears in the late 60’s), jazz (jazz rock, in the late 60’s early 70’s), Latin music (Rock en español, in the late 60’s), Indian music (Raga rock, in the mid 60’s). In 60-70’s emerged almost all major subgenres of rock music, except of above mentioned ones, these were hard rock, punk rock and avant-garde rock, hardcore (a kind of punk rock) and brutal forms of heavy metal music death metal and black metal. In 90’s became popular grunge, britpop and alternative metal. The age of rock has given the world such extraordinary bands as Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Van Halen, Queen, Metallica, The Doors, Rush, AC/DC, ZZ Top, Aerosmith, Guns ‘N Roses, Deep Purple and many others. The worldwide popularity of rock music confirms that it exerted a great influence on culture, fashion, social attitudes and ideology of several generations of people and pretty much changed the world. The Rolling stones, being one of pioneers of the rock culture and one of the most powerful rock bands, still turn out hit records and remain the reigning kings of rock and roll. Visit TutorZ.com to find a private tutor in music, music history, music theory, guitar,  piano  and  drums.

The Secret to Making Your Brain Learn a New Language Fast

The Secret to Making Your Brain Learn a New Language Fast Youve always wanted to learn a new language. In fact, its top three in your bucket list. You were originally encouraged because everybody selling language products said it was easy.Then reality hit. Boom!You were getting nowhere. You tried everything but nothing works! You were bored to tears and ready to give up.But thank heavens you found this post at FluentU, because guess what? Theres hope.There is a better way.  What if I told you that there’s one thing you can do that will skyrocket your learning?And what if I tell you that it has been proven to work over and over, and you don’t even have to dial a 1-800 number for it?Sounds good? Great!We need a proper set-up to best understand this effective secret, so lets start with a short background on the language learning process. The Secret to Making Your Brain Learn a New Language Fast: The 6 Stages of Language LearningUnless you’re a linguistic genius, learning a new language will require you to go through these phases: Intro duction, Recognition, Familiarization, Proficiency, Deeper Proficiency and Mastery.IntroductionThis first stage refers to the initial few times you come across a language. This may come in the form of overhearing native Korean speakers in the subway or pressing the wrong key on the remote and ending up watching a French flick. You get your first tastes of the language and find the utterances weird or funny. It’s like Jim Carrey sounding off his gibberish antics.RecognitionYoull enter this next stage when, because of repeated presentations, you are now able to pick out the language from other languages. You may recognize the tones, rhythms and guttural utterances, or you may also recognize patternsâ€"such as the most commonly repeated letters. This means that you may not understand anything on a newscast in Japan, for example, but you know it’s Japanese.FamiliarizationFamiliarization is an advanced form of recognition in which you know the most fundamental elements of the languag e. For example, you know how to say thank you, please or good morning in Spanish. Perhaps you can also count in the language. You wield the most basic vocabulary and know the equivalence of words like house, girl, boy or beautiful.ProficiencyWhen you are able to converse naturally with a native speaker, you are said to be proficient. Your grammar may not be perfect, but you know the rules well enough and hold sufficient vocabulary to make yourself understandable to a native speaker.Deeper ProficiencyDeeper Proficiency comes next, and is an advanced stage where you speak the language as well as a native speaker. You are well informed in the nuances of the tongue and hold equal, if not more, vocabulary than the natives.MasteryMastery happens when you not only converse just as well as a native speaker, but you are able to talk formally or academically in the adapted language as well. This higher form of discourse, which is the result of years of training and immersion, is something tha t even native speakers don’t aspire to.Most people stay in the Familiarization phase all their lives. They may not have enough time or drive to get to the next level, or their study strategies are so ineffective that they bore themselves to tears.Many people also find themselves there because advancing to the next stage, Proficiency, requires a great deal of work. For example, you are considered proficient in the Chinese language only when you are able to understand 2,000 characters.Well who has the time to have 2,000 characters down pat?!With all that’s going on in our daily lives, learning a new language, unless our very livelihood depends on it, usually goes to the back burner. Most people never even see  the numerous ways you can make more time for language learning and just give up.But just like I said, theres a much better way.Repetition vs. Effective RepetitionOkay, I let the cat out of the bag with the title.What I’m referring to here is repetition.No, not really. What I’m really talking about is effective repetition.There’s a huge difference between the two. Mere repetition will not cut it. We need to be very careful because the much exalted concept of repetition just might be the fastest way to make a subject bland and boring.Try memorizing a 100-word vocabulary list from a piece of paper.Not so easy, is it? Notice that you can’t easily store the words in your long-term memory no matter how hard you try. That’s what pushing a rock uphill feels like.In fact, repetition used in this manner will only make your goals harder to reach because the brain will only pay attention to things that are novel, surprising and shocking, and there’s nothing duller than a laundry list of vocabulary words given by a teacher to be memorized.Is it really a surprise then that people give up and imagine the task to be impossible?Okay, so lets take a look at the better alternative: effective repetition.What is Effective Repetition?Effective repetition interes ts the brain into paying attention.And when the brain is paying attention, that’s when long-term memories are created. For example, do you still remember what you had for breakfast two Tuesdays ago? Highly unlikely. That’s because you were not paying attention.But how about this, do you still remember the face of your first love from years or decades ago?Many will not only recall your first loves name and face, but you might even remember the persons eye color, the smell of her hair or the way he smiles. You could even still hear their voice, the way he or she speaks and how it makes your heart skip a beat. You might even remember every conversation you’ve had!You were really paying attention, werent you?Effective repetition uses the same mechanism in the brain to make you learn the language faster. It’s effective because it taps into how our brains work. Just as you remember your first love’s mannerisms, you’ll find it easier to recall the nuances of a language.Like I s aid, effective repetition interests the brain into paying attention. So, how do we do that, exactly?Well, we don’t have any room for rote memorization here. That method doesn’t really work for the long term.We need to make the repetition memorable, and we do that by engaging the five senses.How to Make Effective Repetitions with the 5 SensesLet’s suppose again that you’re tasked with memorizing a list of the 100 most common words in Spanish. By using our sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, and incorporating them into the learning process, we can make that list very memorable.Let’s deal with each sense briefly:SightIn order to increase retention in your language learning endeavors, you need to see pictures, not words. That’s because our brain works pictorially, hence the term photographic memory. This explains why a photograph works better than a word, and why videos are more effective learning tools than words on the blackboard.So anytime you wish to memoriz e vocabulary, always associate the word with a picture. The more vivid, the more colorful, the better. This way, you get into the arena of effective repetitions.An awesome way to learn words effectively with photos is using  FluentU.  FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.Each hand-picked video is transcribed and translated, plus every word comes with an image, in-context definition and multiple example sentencesâ€"so you can engage both your sight  and  hearing!Another tip to improve retention using sight is to use interesting fonts and different colors when making a vocabulary list. You could use red font for feminine cases or gender-specific words, for example, or increase the font size for easy viewing.HearingFor effective repetition, try making a song out of the words you need to memorize. Put on a catchy tune and watch your memory speed soar. Creative preschool teachers have used this technique with great success. (Imagine memorizing the alphabet without the ABC songâ€"just try stringing those 26 letters together without a tune yikes!)A catchy tune you could use to memorize vocabulary is the song Do Re Mi from The Sound of Music which goes: Doe, a deer, a female deerAnother way to increase vocabulary retention is to study a foreign song by translating the lyrics into English. Since you now have words used in a certain context and have sung them to a specific tune, youll find it easier to mine the song for vocabulary words. Feliz Navidad, anyone?TasteWhen you pair a food-related word with its actual taste, you make the memory connection so much stronger. That is, the fastest way to learn the words for orange in any language is to eat one while memorizing. It will burn the translation into your head. This goes true for any food word.Effective repetition  is very vivid when it comes to taste. Try closing your eyes for the full effect.If the w ord you are trying to memorize is not accessible through the sense of taste, see if it can be approached through the sense of smell, which we’ll discuss next.SmellHave you ever been brought back to a certain place or time just because you got a whiff of something? You were happily walking on a busy street and suddenly you smelled the perfume used by a long-lost lover. Then suddenly, it all came back to you like it was yesterday, all the beautiful memories with that special person.The sense of smell is one of the most potent memory enhancers, and yet how many language learners incorporate it in their study? If you think looking at pictures is effective, just wait until you enlist the help of your nose.Although not many of your vocabulary words will necessarily be accessible through smell  (just like with taste), you could also use a scented candleâ€"try rosemary or lavenderâ€"to enhance your memory. And for those words that do have a scent, you’ll discover that the memory connec tion is simply on another level.Touch/KinestheticSome people learn best when they move: the kinesthetic learners. They learn a word best when they associate it with a certain gesture or action. And this gesture might be suggestive of the word or be completely random.For example, when memorizing the Spanish word redondo (which means round or circular), you might draw a circle repeatedly with your fingers to learn kinesthetically. Or when memorizing saltar (which means jump), you could actually jump.Doing actions like these are effective repetitions that help anchor the memory. It may look like just goofing around, but it’s actually a very efficient memory technique.So when you need to memorize something, straight up repetition just won’t cut it.Go for effective repetitions by engaging your five senses! It will make a world of difference.